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This blog is specifically about arrow spine (or as some people call it-spline, but I’m not getting into that debate-LOL). I want to share with you my experience as I learned about arrow spine, and how it will for sure tighten your group, when matched perfectly with your bow’s energy.

I learned so much just from YouTube on form and tuning bows. Eventually I came across Jase Hintz,  a real easy-to-learn-from guy, sharing his knowledge. After watching his video on arrow tuning I couldn’t wait to try it. I’m not a pro, but I do shoot a lot in my back yard at 60 yards, so this video had my interest! In his video he shows how by just changing the poundage of your bow, it can tighten your arrow groups at 60 yards. This was my first lesson in arrow spine and how much it matters to us shooters who want the best performance out of our bows. Watch the video and see for yourself. My results were amazing!  This really works…

Hopefully you’re starting with arrows very close to the right spine. If you’re unsure, call your local pro shop and they should be able to help with this basic set up.  Then you can fine tune the arrows yourself.
At #Bowmentum Archery our passion is to get this right!  We can super tune your bow to match your arrows, and then tune them to hit the same hole out of a shooting machine.  Soon Bowmentum will be taking bows by mail, or drop off, and super tuning them to perfection!  We will even sight you in to your desired yardages. When you pick up your bow…you’re ready to hunt!  We will also provide you with a print out of your bow’s kinetic energy, the weight and speed of your arrows, along with other specs to make it easier when you return for more arrows or if you have any questions on your set up..
Hope this video is as helpful to you as it was to me.  Be watching the blog for more information on arrows: weight vs. speed. That’s a great debate.


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