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How to make friends at Hangdog
Are you searching for a climbing partner?
Sick of doing laps on the auto belays?
Want to climb outside but don’t know anyone to go with?
Hangdog is the perfect place to meet your new climbing buddy, you just have to put yourself out there. Wollongong has a fantastic climbing community – newbies, seasonal climbers, old and young, all with the same common interest as you. In our experience, climbers are all lovely people and love sharing their passion with others.
But how do you meet them?
You need to get the ball rolling and talk to those around you. Yeah ok, it can be daunting… but it actually isn’t. That person doing laps on the autobelay next to you… go and talk to them. Quite often they’re alone too, just ask if they want to climb.
A weeknight is prime time for meeting people, as Hangdog is usually full of regular climbers. Hangdog staff are always happy to point you in the direction of other like minded climbers, just ask us when you’re in, we also love a chat 😉
The other option is to check out the Book of Faces… Head to the
Hangdog Facebook group and pop a post up “Hey guys, I’m new to the area and looking for people to climb with. Anyone around this week for a climb?” If you don’t ask, you’ll never know.
While we’re talking about Facebook, like our
page, we regularly announce what’s going on in the gym and events are a great opportunity to meet people.
Remember, all of those muscly climbers aren’t as scary as they look. Are you worried because they might climb a few grades harder than you do? Don’t be. Moving to another rope takes 30 seconds. Climbers won’t judge you on what grade you can or can’t climb… and if they do, they might not be worth climbing with anyway.
So bottom line is, don’t be shy, we’re all friendly and love to climb. Who knows who your future friend may be!
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